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WiDS Videos

With our extensive collection of talks from Conferences, Workshops, and Datathons, you can easily search by topic and language. Delve into the innovative technical work of thousands of exceptional women in academia, industry, government, and nonprofits across the globe. Explore our archive of videos and discover outstanding women in data science, AI, and technical fields worldwide.

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Sanghamitra Bandhyopdhyay | Fireside Chat | WiDS Bengaluru @ Intuit

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Hardware, Values

Ema Rie | The Fusion of Science and Fashion | WiDS Tokyo @ YCU 2020

TOPICS: Data Generation/Collection, Data Visualization, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Values

Fei-Fei Li | Teaching Computers to See with Big Data | WiDS Stanford 2015

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Data Wrangling, Hardware

WiDS Hyderabad 2020 Highlights


Worldwide Closing Participant Map | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Data Science as a Career

Closing Address: Why data science needs more women | Andrea Goldsmith | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Hardware

Panel: Diversity and Data Science Education | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Science as a Career, Values

Education Outreach | WIDS 2021

TOPICS: Data Science as a Career

WiDS Mosaic | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Data Science as a Career