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WiDS Videos

With our extensive collection of talks from Conferences, Workshops, and Datathons, you can easily search by topic and language. Delve into the innovative technical work of thousands of exceptional women in academia, industry, government, and nonprofits across the globe. Explore our archive of videos and discover outstanding women in data science, AI, and technical fields worldwide.

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WiDS Datathon Overview

TOPICS: Data Science as a Career, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics)

Fanny Chevalier | Don’t Look. See! Are We Blinded by Data (Visualization)? | Stanford 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Science as a Career, Data Wrangling, Values

Newsha Ajami interview by theCube | Stanford 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics)

Caitlin Smallwood | Netflix: A confluence of metrics, algorithms & experimentation | WiDS Stanford

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics)

Emily Glassberg-Sands | Data Science for Unlocking Teaching & Learning at Scale | WiDS Stanford 2019

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Software Design and Engineering, Values

Madeleine Udell | Filling in Missing Data with Low Rank Models | WiDS Stanford 2019

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Science as a Career, Data Wrangling, Software Design and Engineering, Values

Ana Luna | Gender Equiliy in Science, Innovation and Technology | WiDS Lima @ UPP 2018

TOPICS: Data Science as a Career

Jessica Santos | Deep Learning on Medical Images | WiDS São Paulo 2019

TOPICS: Algorithms, Values

Alicia Carriquiry | Machine Learning and the Evaluation of Criminal Evidence | Stanford 2019

TOPICS: Algorithms, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics)