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WiDS Videos

With our extensive collection of talks from Conferences, Workshops, and Datathons, you can easily search by topic and language. Delve into the innovative technical work of thousands of exceptional women in academia, industry, government, and nonprofits across the globe. Explore our archive of videos and discover outstanding women in data science, AI, and technical fields worldwide.

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WiDS Interview with Bin Yu

TOPICS: Data Science as a Career, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics)

Women are changing the world of data science

TOPICS: Data Science as a Career, Values

Closing Remarks | Margot Gerritsen | WiDS 2015

TOPICS: Data Science as a Career, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics)

Making Pictures, 1000 Words at a Time | Irene Ros | WiDS 2015

TOPICS: Data Generation/Collection

Career Panel | WiDS 2015

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Data Wrangling, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Values

Keeping Up with the Web | Carrie Grimes Bostock | WiDS 2015

TOPICS: Algorithms, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Values

Teaching Computers to See with Big Data | Fei-Fei Li | WiDS 2015

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Data Wrangling, Hardware

The Multi-Facets of a Data Science Project to Answer: How Are Organs Formed | Bin Yu | WiDS 2015

TOPICS: Algorithms, Software Design and Engineering

Evolution of Shopping, Powered by Data Science | Kelly Thompson | WiDS 2015

TOPICS: Algorithms