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WiDS Videos

With our extensive collection of talks from Conferences, Workshops, and Datathons, you can easily search by topic and language. Delve into the innovative technical work of thousands of exceptional women in academia, industry, government, and nonprofits across the globe. Explore our archive of videos and discover outstanding women in data science, AI, and technical fields worldwide.

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How Data Science Can Unlock Teaching & Learning at Scale | Emily Glassberg Sands | WiDS 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Values

Building Water Security From the Bottom Up by Leveraging Big Data | Newsha Ajami | WiDS 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection

Know Thyself: Introspective Personal Data Mining | Talithia Williams | WiDS 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics)

Creating Global Economic Opportunity with Responsible Data Science | Ya Xu | WiDS 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Values

Interpretability For Everyone | Been Kim | WiDS 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Values

Data Science in a Cloud World: What Every Data Scientist Needs to Know | Nhung Ho | WiDS 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics)

Polyglot AI: The Role of Natural Language Processing (NLP) | Rama Akkiraju | WiDS 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Values

Why a World with AI Needs More EQ | Tsu-Jae King Liu | WiDS 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Data Wrangling, Software Design and Engineering, Values

Career Panel | WiDS 2020

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Science as a Career, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Values