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WiDS Videos

With our extensive collection of talks from Conferences, Workshops, and Datathons, you can easily search by topic and language. Delve into the innovative technical work of thousands of exceptional women in academia, industry, government, and nonprofits across the globe. Explore our archive of videos and discover outstanding women in data science, AI, and technical fields worldwide.

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Pocket AI and loT, or How to be a Data Scientist using your Mobile Device | Mathworks

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Hardware, Software Design and Engineering, Values

Graph Theory for Data Science, Part I: What is a graph and What Can We Do With It?

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Wrangling, Software Design and Engineering

What would we do without Linear Algebra, Part II: Diving Deeper, Singular Value Decomposition

TOPICS: Algorithms, Values

Meet the Speaker: Gina Papush moderated by Lori Sherer | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Values

Meet the Speaker: Karina Edmonds moderated by Deepa Gautam-Nigge | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Algorithms, Values

Meet the Speaker: Maria Schuld moderated by Margot Gerritsen | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Hardware, Software Design and Engineering

Meet the Speaker: Fatima Abu Salem moderated by Lama Moussawi | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Software Design and Engineering, Values

Meet the Speaker: Dina Machuve moderated by Mahadia Tunga | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Algorithms, Software Design and Engineering, Values

Meet the Speaker: Kalinda Griffiths moderated by Margot Gerritsen | WiDS 2021

TOPICS: Algorithms, Data Generation/Collection, Data Science as a Career, Data Wrangling, Foundations (Mathematics/Statistics), Values