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WiDSTORY | February 25, 2020

Wells Fargo Digital Leader and WiDS Advisor Believes Data Science is a “Generational Opportunity”

Tell us about your background.
I was born and raised in China into an academic family; my parents were both linguistics professors. I came to the United States to pursue graduate studies and received an MS degree from Auburn University School of Engineering, and an EMBA from St. Mary’s College School of Management. I like to read and listen to podcasts about the latest developments in data science, AI and human cognitive development. I am also a strong believer in leading a balanced life by practicing body, soul, and mind rituals.

How did you get interested in data science?
A few years ago, a chief architect at Wells Fargo and I had numerous conversations about the potential of AI and the importance of studying its applicability for our work. I started reading about it regularly and took data science and machine learning courses from Udacity and Coursera. I believe data science has, and will have, a transformative impact on humanity. It is a generational opportunity in front of us. My interest in data science and AI has now become a sustained passion, although it’s not my day-to-day work.

However, in my own decision-making and in conversations with my leadership team, I’m constantly asking how we can use data insights to make smarter decisions in prioritizing areas to advance or to improve.

What are you currently working on?
Through my work leading Wells Fargo’s ATM and Branch Technology, I scale data science and AI to improve customer service and experiences.

How have you been involved in WiDS?
I was invited to be a moderator on the WiDS Financial Services breakout at the WiDS conference in 2017. I have been involved leading the financial services breakout session at the WiDS conference every year since then. Last year, I participated in a panel discussion for the WiDS Berkeley datathon workshop. I am also on the WiDS breakout session planning team.

WiDS stands out from other conferences because the speakers they choose are extraordinary women leaders who are subject matter experts in their respective fields. I find that the WiDS one-day conference with its robust agenda is very efficient and effective. I wish there was a conference like WiDS for Women in STEM.

How has WiDS made an impact on your life and/or work?
WiDS has set an exemplary model for women in STEM fields where there needs to be a lot of leadership to increase the participation of women. It has allowed me to meet many inspiring women in data science and to promote the field of data science. I hope someday we can achieve a similar level of success as WiDS for women in all STEM fields.