Shriya Joag
Senior Software Engineer, MathWorks
Shriya Joag is a Senior Software Engineer in the application deployment area at MathWorks, with a focus on cloud deployment. Her decade long career in software engineering includes working on software integrations and full-stack web development in startup companies, as well as creating and maintaining customer-facing product documentation for the enterprise deployment area at MathWorks. She is invested in furthering STEM education and has taught programming to K-12 students in languages such as Scratch, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Java. She holds a master’s degree in Information Technology from Carnegie Mellon University, where her research was in mobile computing.
Shriya has presented her work at both commercial and academic venues, such as the MathWorks Advisory Board, the Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services (MobiCASE) Conference, and the Grace Hopper Celebration.
Workshop Instructor