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Sahar Asadi

Director of AI Labs, King

Stockholm, Sweden | Europe

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay joined the Machine Intelligence Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute as a faculty member in 1999, after completing her PhD from the same Institute. She was the Director of the Institute from August 2015 to July 2020, and is currently on her second tenure as Director from September 2020 onwards. Sanghamitra has worked in various Universities and Institutes world-wide including in USA, Australia, Germany, France, Italy, China, Slovenia and Mexico, and delivered invited lectures in many more countries. She has received several awards and fellowships including the Bhatnagar Prize, Infosys award, TWAS Prize, DBT National Women Bioscientist Award (Young), INAE Silver Jubilee Prize, Young scientist/engineer medals of INSA, INAE and Science Congress, JC Bose Fellowship, Swarnajayanti Fellowship and Humboldt Fellowship. She is a Senior Associate of ICTP and Fellow of INSA, INAE, NASI and IEEE. She is currently a member of the Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council of the Prime Minister of India (PM-STIAC).

2023 Ambassador, 2024 Ambassador