Diane Tang
Google Fellow, Google
Diane is a Google Fellow currently leading a team dedicated to empowering decision makers with robust data, tools, and insights around our users and product ecosystem. Prior to 2017, she worked in Google Life Sciences on building data infrastructure and analytics for biological & medical applications. Before that, she was a leader on the Ads Quality team at Google. Since joining Google in 2003, Diane has focused on logging, large-scale data analysis & infrastructure, experiment methodology and ads systems. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Harvard in 1995 and a master’s degree and PhD in Computer Science from Stanford in 2001. She is the co-author of “Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments: A Practical Guide to A/B Testing” as well as numerous other publications in mobile networking, information visualization, experiment methodology, data infrastructure, and data mining / large data and holds many patents.