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Worskhop 03/07/2022

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This set of WiDS Workshops will take place during the WiDS Worldwide conference, online, on March 7, 2022.
As a part of your registration for the WiDS Workshops, you’ll also have exclusive access to attend all WiDS conference sessions, on the online platform.

Event Program

March 7, 2022

*All times are UTC -8

Workshop Instructors

Louvere Walker-Hannon

Application Engineering Senior Team Lead, MathWorks

Sarah Mohamed

Senior Software Engineer, MathWorks

Shruti Karulkar

Quality Engineering Manager, MathWorks

Loren Shure

Consulting Application Engineer, MathWorks

Hana M.K.

Data Storytelling and Presentation Instructor Host of “The Art of Communicating Data” Show


Data Storytelling for Data Scientists | Hana M.K

TOPICS: Data Generation/Collection

How can we make sense of the unseen world? Using AI, sensors & IoT for scene exploration | Mathworks

TOPICS: Algorithms , Data Generation/Collection , Software Design and Engineering , Values