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MATLAB for the WiDS Datathon: Predicting Timely Diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer

Join Us

This workshop is designed to equip attendees with all the skills necessary to compete in the WiDS Datathon. Using the challenge dataset, we will show how you can import and work with tabular data, explore the relationships between different variables in the dataset, and process the data to make a cleaner, more helpful dataset. We will then walk through the process of quickly building and testing machine learning models for the challenge. By the end of this workshop, participants should have everything they need to create their own algorithms to accurately predict whether a patient with metastatic breast cancer was properly diagnosed within 90 days.

They will show you how to work on the WiDS Datathon 2024 challenge in MATLAB. If you would like to follow-along with them please do the following prior to the workshop:

  1. Request your MATLAB license:
  2. Register for the WiDS Datathon (if you haven’t already):
  3. Download the challenge data, directly from Kaggle

Grace and Wynter will share the MATLAB code during and after the workshop. If you would rather watch during the workshop and try it on your own later, that is encouraged as well.

Workshop Instructors

Grace Woolson

Student Competitions Technical Evangelist- Data Science, Mathworks

Wynter Duncanson

STEM Outreach Engineer, MathWorks