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WiDS Datathon Workshop 2024 Ambassador Kickoff

Join Us

The WiDS Datathon provides an interesting and unique dataset with a well-designed and well-supported project for participants to work on collaboratively while learning data science skills.

We invite you to host a datathon workshop to bring the datathon to your local colleagues!

Attend the WiDS Datathon kickoff to hear the latest plans for next year’s datathon. We’ll share details about this year’s datathon challenges, and how to host a datathon workshop to support your community throughout the competitions. You will also hear from an ambassador team that will share workshop best practices. There will be a Q&A session with the datathon team where you can ask all your datathon workshop questions. You’ll also have ample time to network and connect with other WiDS ambassadors and prospect ambassadors from around the world!

Sign up if you are interested in learning about how to host a WiDS Datathon Workshop.


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Presentation Slides